The achievement to find and display all the pristine versions of all Pandaren and Mogu artifacts in The Seat of Knowledge is finally complete. I must admit, I never thought it would be so hard to finish, especially since I’ve only been short one pristine artifact for months but as one of my tracked objectives, it was definitely one of the more doable ones on the list – albeit time-consuming. As a result, over the last few days I’ve focused on getting this done once and for all. At the same time, I also needed three pristine artifacts for the History of the Mantid but I wasn’t as worried about that since I could just turn all my digs into Mantid ones after this last Mogu one was discovered.
However, after more than 100 restored artifacts later, I decided to reinstall Archy just so I could focus on Mogu digs. This avoided the accidental flight to any Pandaren sites so it worked pretty well. In the process, one of the three Pristine Mantid artifacts appeared but even with a handful of Worn Monument Ledgers, a Pristine Monument Ledger seemed impossible. The Lorewalker’s Maps came in very handy when I had a full set of Pandaren digs though.
Never-the-less I decided to keep digging until the servers dropped out for our normal weekly maintenance only to find no dig sites available when I logged back in today. Considering I was down to my last four Collector (20) achievements, this would not do. Luckily this was rectified once I completely exited the game since reloading and relogging did not work.

Talk about a lot of flying. My perseverance paid off when I finally saw the item I’d been waiting for. I didn’t even finish my dig, I flew straight back to the Seat of Knowledge to put it on display and receive my title – Seeker of Knowledge.
This gave me the motivation to keep going with a stack of Lorewalker’s Lodestones and a Mantid Artifact Sonic Locator. However something earlier made me rethink this.
As of now, all the collector achievements are done with two pristines to go. Wish me luck…
Grats! I am a long, long way away from this one. My burning desire dig-wise is finding that elusive Crawling Claw someday.
Thx. Digging in Pandaria should help with that. At least you can trade in the Restored Artifacts for Tol’vir boxes.
I’d like to complete the museum achievements, too, before Kam leaves Pandaria. At the moment, however, my alts are taking precendence….
I really hate that digsite at the kunchong pits on Sra’vess. It’s worth carrying around digsite randomizers just to get rid of that one! :P
LOL, believe me I was doing that a few times. Good luck with yours.
Grats! I have been trying to get mine, still a ways to go! But that’s awesome and I really want that title :)
Thx. It is a great title and I’m not surprised since you like reading all the books around the place.
Grats on your title! I need one freakin’ Pristine Apothecary Tin to finish mine, lol.
Oh geez, I know exactly how you feel!
Grats! :D I’ve also been working for this title, but I kinda gave up this summer cause I just didn’t have time and it was so boring :P
It was but so many achievements was hard to pass up and you don’t need to bother other people to help complete them.