For travellers limited to two legs, Arak is an autumnal, swampy forest, framed in crooked trees that rest chin-level with giants. High above the trees towers a landscape rarely seen by outsiders: impossibly tall rock spires too steep to scale. The arakkoa gaze out from these treacherous perches, watching their land like incarnate gods . . . and paying homage to the blessed sun by burning the “low races” alive.

Betsi Boombasket Blade-Dancer-A Durkath Steelmaw EyelessFesterbloom

Read from the Fel Grimoire inside Voidpriest Sekkta's hut

Read from the Fel Grimoire inside Voidpriest Sekkta’s hut

Gochar Jiasska-the-Spore Kalos-the-Bloodbathed Mutafen Nas-Dumberlin Nightpaw Oskillra-the-Vengeful Poisonmaster-Bortusk

Interact with A Strange Mushroom

Interact with A Strange Mushroom

Sangrikass Shadowbark Solar-Magnifier Stonespine


Event: Stingtail Nest – Kill bugs until Sunderthorn spawns

Swarmleaf Talonbreaker Tesska-the-Broken


Interact with Varasha’s Egg
