The Anglers is a new faction in Mists of Pandaria that caters to all avid fisherman. Angler’s Wharf can be found off the coast in Krasarang Wilds on an island towards the southern point of the zone. I visited the area about a week ago to see what was there but was disappointed to find that Nat Pagle was nowhere to be found… until now.
Yep folks, your favourite fisherman is now in Pandaria.
Hello fellow Angler! Have you been around these parts long? Me and my buddy “Big Hook” here travel far and wide looking for the next big catch!
We ran into this place by accident and the locals were friendly with both their supplies and booze so we decided to stick around!

The Anglers – Honored
I may be tempted to bank my beloved Jeweled fishing pole for the Dragon Fishing Pole soon. The goldfish pet is another reward I’m looking forward to owning. As another water creature in a bubble, I loved the design so much I made sure I had a screenshot in every colour :P

The Anglers – Revered
The Fishing Raft is an interesting reward. Just read the flavour text “Great for fishing, but takes on water… so don’t stay out too long!” It has a 1hr CD and costs 1,000G.

The Anglers – Exalted
The Water Strider will be a must-have mount as it can walk on water. I first saw this after I’d died in an Alliance friendly area in The Jade Forest. It was the perfect opportunity to have a closer look at something in hostile territory. With the bartering perk, the Reins of the Azure Water Strider will only cost 3500G.
There are several quests associated with The Anglers. Some daily and some normal quests, but all of them will require level 89 or greater.
OK, now I’m excited. Who needs a mushroom chair when you can have Nat’s Fishing Chair. It also looks like we’ll be getting Nat’s Hat at exalted rep with the man himself :P
I don’t know why but of all the news coming out this is really exciting to me!
I don’t ever fish very long but I do fish often, yay, it’s good to see Nat!