Anxious to tame some new pets in Draenor, I copied my hunter over to Beast Lore some wildlife. I know you can just look these up on Petopia but there’s something exciting about hitting that button and seeing whether something is tameable or not.
There are three new families this time round.
Some of you would have been lucky enough to tame a hydra back in Wrath when the spectral ones from Shalozar were able to be tamed. Unfortunately, I was not one of them since I wasn’t in a rush to level my hunter so the ability to tame one was removed before I could.
These beauties are available in Shadowmoon Valley.
Just look at that face.
Rylaks (Exotic)
The following rylak sits in the Horde Garrison waiting to taxi us to a nearby camp just after we build our base. There are also some similar-looking creatures in Frostfire Ridge called the Glacial Icemaw which are not tameable but may be found in the same area as the rylaks.
Draenor Boar
I spotted this Pack Boar pretty close to my garrison so thought it might be cool to have one as a pet. How disappointing to see it didn’t keep its little pack but check out the new frost trap.
Draenor Ravager
Very different to the corrupted ones in Outlands.
Draenor Wolves
There appear to be other colour variations but these are just the ones I’ve seen so far. You can also check out my Frostfire Ridge and Silvermoon Valley rares for other models like the sporebat.
I can’t wait to tame some new pets! That Riverbeasts is adorable :)
I’m just glad we have all that stable space now.
Maybe you’ll like these new ones more… :P
My Hunter will have to have one of those Riverbeasts. And a wolf or two. Wish the expansion would hurry up and get here.
I can understand that. It does seem like we’re just scratching the surface of testing content though so Dec seems like a good bet.
I definitely want a hydra although maybe the old school looking ones rather than these new sleek creatures.
I was so disappointed when I missed out on the old ones but I’m really liking the look of these new ones.