Talador is the heart of Draenor. It rests at the crossroads of the continent, divided by rivers that flow from the Sea of Zangar and enable marine trade and movement from east to west. At the center of Talador shines the glorious cathedral city of Shattrath: a museum metropolis, an architectural marvel, a preserved recreation of ancient draenei culture—entirely occupied by the Iron Horde.
Source: Blizzard
Talador Rares

Jeez, all those and I still haven’t found Marticar in our time!
Oh no! All I can say is this one is a lot easier to find.
Wait, I distinctly remember a Horde Zangarmarsh quest from BC where a troll was sad there were no murlocs there and wanted to “share” them with the natives.
Garrosh isn’t doing the same thing, is he?
This was just a lone murloc but you never know :P