The Black Qiraji Resonating Crystal was a mount of legend which had no equal until its closest counterpart was unearthed beneath the sands of Uldum. It was rewarded to anyone who used their Scepter of the Shifting Sands to bang the gong during the 10 hour opening of AQ event. As such it was the only qiraji you could mount outside the walls of AQ so extremely rare although I would have preferred ‘Scarab Queen’ for a title :P
My contributions towards the war effort were dedicated but I never went as far as collecting the [Silithid Carapace Fragments] for myself (although I did help a couple of others with theirs). My epic adventure began years later and even then it was a huge effort to complete.
Last week I was looking through my mount journal on the PTR and noticed several differences. Not only was the Enchanted Fey Dragon present but my very own Black Qiraji Battle Tank. OMG, how exciting! In true Cymre Jones fashion, I headed back to Uldum before making my way through Silithus.
But like most good things, it was just an illusion. Time to return to the real Azeroth…

Scepter of Azj’Aqir, Inside AQ20
Ah, it was nice while it lasted. Hooray for the Scepter of Azj’Aqir.
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