With the introduction of another secondary profession in Cataclysm, archaeology will cover nine branches of artifacts scattered across all the known continents. Four of those branches are from the original classic zones in Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms. Two other branches cover Outland, Northrend and one Cataclysm zone in Uldum. This guide will feature all the rare artifacts available so far.
Chalice of the Mountain Kings (toy) requires 150 skill to find and 100 Dwarf Archaeology Fragments to solve. Up to three [Dwarf Rune Stone] keystones may be used to complete it.
Clockwork Gnome (battle pet) requires 225 skill and 100 Dwarf Archaeology Fragments to solve. Up to three [Dwarf Rune Stone] keystones may be used to complete it.
Staff of Sorcerer-Thane Thaurissan (int staff) requires 450 skill to find and 150 Dwarf Archaeology Fragments to solve. Up to three [Dwarf Rune Stone] keystones may be used to complete it.
The Innkeeper’s Daughter (hearthstone toy) requires 150 skill to find and 150 Dwarf Archaeology Fragments to solve. Up to three [Dwarf Rune Stone] keystones may be used to complete it.
Extinct Turtle Shell (BoA str shield) requires 450 skill to find and 150 Fossil Archaeology Fragments to solve.
Fossilized Raptor (mount) requires 150 skill to find and 100 Fossil Archaeology Fragments to solve.
Fossilized Hatchling (pet) requires 75 skill to find and 85 Fossil Archaeology Fragments to solve.
Pterrordax Hatchling (pet) requires 120 Fossil Archaeology Fragments to solve.
Ancient Amber (toy) requires 100 Fossil Archaeology Fragments to solve. The effect shrinks you down to ~50% and encases you in amber. The effect will last for 5mins but can be cancelled at any time.
Unsolved: A particularly large hunk of petrified tree resin containing what appears to be a small humanoid figure.
Solved: The diminutive humanoid figure trapped within this massive hunk of amber is impossible to make out, its outline seeming to waver and blur even under the most steady scrutiny. The object makes those who look into it for too long uneasy as if sometime over the past millennia the fossil had become tainted with bizarre, eldritch power.
Night Elf
Druid and Priest Statue Set (toy) requires 150 skill to find and 100 Night Elf Archaeology Fragments to solve. Up to three [Highborne Scroll] keystones may be used to complete it.
Highborne Soul Mirror (toy) requires 150 skill to find and 100 Night Elf Archaeology Fragments to solve. Up to three [Highborne Scroll] keystones may be used to complete it.
Kaldorei Wind Chimes (toy) requires 225 skill to find and 98 Night Elf Archaeology Fragments to solve. Up to three [Highborne Scroll] keystones may be used to complete it.
Tyrande’s Favorite Doll (int trinket) requires 450 skill to find and 150 Night Elf Archaeology Fragments to solve. Up to three [Highborne Scroll] keystones may be used to complete it.
Wisp Amulet (toy) requires 450 skill to find and 150 Night Elf Archaeology Fragments to solve. Up to three [Highborne Scroll] keystones may be used to complete it.
Queen Azshara’s Dressing Gown (int cloth) requires 150 skill and 100 Night Elf Archaeology Fragments to solve. Up to three [Highborne Scroll] keystones may be used to complete it.
Solved: That Azshara was the most beautiful of night elves is practically regarded as fact. Unfortunately, her own eye for beauty seems to have been as limited as that of many of her brethren, at least judging from the garish colors of this gown. ‘There has only ever been, only ever will be… one Azshara.
The Bones of Transformation (transformation toy) requires 450 skill to find and 150 Night Elf Archaeology Fragments to solve. Up to three [Highborne Scroll] keystones may be used to complete it.
When activated, the player transforms into the appearance of a Naz’jar Honor Guard lasting 20secs with a 10-minute CD. Attacking will cancel the effect.
“These bones show a curious mixture of humanoid arms and serpentine tail, convincing you that they are probably from a naga. What is more interesting is that the skeleton has been articulated and posed as if it was once displayed in a museum.”
“When the first Well of Eternity imploded, it sank the center of kaldorei culture to the bottom of the sea. To escape certain doom, Queen Azshara made a pact with a greater power, possibly an Old God or an elemental. As a result, a curse descended upon the surviving Highborne, who became twisted, serpent-like creatures now known as the naga.”
Haunted War Drum (toy) requires 100 Troll Archaeology Fragments to solve. Up to three [Troll Tablet] keystones may be used to complete it.
Voodoo Figurine (battle pet) requires 100 Troll Archaeology Fragments to solve. Up to three [Troll Tablet] keystones may be used to complete it.
Zin’rokh, Destroyer of Worlds (2H str sword) requires 450 skill to find and 150 Troll Archaeology Fragments to solve. Up to three [Troll Tablet] keystones may be used to complete it.
According to your research, this great weapon was one of the many treasures of Hakkar the Soulflayer in Zul’Gurub. Hakkar was defeated years ago, and this sword passed through the hands of many powerful warriors and paladins before apparently becoming sundered. It is remarkable that you have been able to reforge it, but also a little troubling: if the Destroyer of Worlds has returned, perhaps the Soulflayer is not far behind.
Draenei (Outland Only)
Arrival of the Naaru (toy) requires 300 skill to find and 124 Draenei Archaeology Fragments to solve. Up to three [Draenei Tome] keystones may be used to complete it.
The Last Relic of Argus (random teleportation toy) requires 300 skill level and 130 Draenei Archaeology Fragments to solve. Up to three Draenei Tomes can be used to complete it.
Unsolved: This is a simple Draenei crystal that appears to be thousands of years old. You are fairly certain that it is not of this world.
Solved: Before they lived on Azeroth or Draenor, the Draenei, who still called themselves the eredar at the time, lived on Argus. When Sargeras took notice of Argus, Prophet Velen fled with some of his people, who became the Draenei. The remaining eredar were absorbed into the Burning Legion. This simple crystal was taken from Argus when Velen fled. The inscription on the bottom reads, ‘I long for Mac’Aree.’
Orc (Outland Only)
Headdress of the First Shaman (agi mail) requires 300 skill to find and 130 Orc Archaeology Fragments to solve. Up to three keystones may be used to complete it.
Vrykul (Northrend Only)
Nifflevar Bearded Axe (1H agi axe) requires 375 skill to find and 130 Vrykul Archaeology Fragments to solve. Up to three [Vrykul Rune Stick] keystones may be used to complete it.
The Vrykul Drinking Horn (toy) requires 375 skill to find and 100 Vrykul Archaeology Fragments to solve. Up to 3x Vrykul Rune Stick keystones may be used to complete it. It gives you a 10min buff that increases your size, puts a Vrykul helm on you and a manly roar. Interestingly enough, there is no CD on the horn.
Nerubian (Northrend Only)
Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron (toy) requires 375 skill to find and 140 Nerubian Archaeology Fragments to solve. Up to three [Nerubian Obelisk] keystones may be used to complete it.
Blessing of the Old God (transformation toy) requires 375 skill to find and 140 Nerubian Archaeology Fragments to solve. Up to three [Nerubian Obelisk] keystones may be used to complete it. Using the item will transform you into a Green Qiraji Tank for 20 seconds. It has a 10-minute CD. I love that when you unsheathe your weapon, the battle tank will hold it in its pincer, and if you eat any food, you will hold a little piece of bread in its pincer and make gnawing motions.
Unsolved: You have discovered a very bad thing. It hurts your mind to even look at fragments of this artifact and you worry that it might drive you insane were you to complete the final object.
Solved: Pwhn’guul i ghawl’fwata ryiu wgah uul’gwan h’iwn guu’lal. Pwhn’guul i ghawl’fwata ryiu wgah uu’gwan h’iwn guu’lal. Pwhn’guul i ghawl’fwata ryiu wgah uul’gwan h’iwn guu’lal.
Tol’vir (Cataclysm Only)
Pendant of the Scarab Storm (toy) requires 450 skill to find and 150 Tol’vir Archaeology Fragments to solve. Up to three [Tol’vir Hieroglyphic] keystones may be used to complete it.
Ring of the Boy Emperor (int ring) requires 450 skill to find and 150 Tol’vir Archaeology Fragments to solve. Up to three [Tol’vir Hieroglyphic] keystones may be used to complete it.
Staff of Ammunae (2H int staff) requires 450 skill to find and 150 Tol’vir Archaeology Fragments to solve. Up to three [Tol’vir Hieroglyphic] keystones may be used to complete it.
Scimitar of the Sirocco (1H str sword) requires 450 skill and 150 Tol’vir Archaeology Fragments to solve. Up to three [Tol’vir Hieroglyphic] keystones may be used to complete it.
The Mummified Monkey Paw rewards you will the Crawling Claw (battle pet). It requires 450 skill and 150 Tol’vir Archaeology Fragments to solve. Up to three Tol’vir Hieroglyphic keystones may be used to complete it.

Scepter of Azj’Aqir, Inside AQ20
The Scepter of Azj’Aqir (mount) requires 150 Archaeology Fragments and a maximum of 3x Tol’vir Hieroglyphics to complete. Learning the item teaches you the Ultramarine Qiraji Battle Tank, a re-skinned version of the Black Qiraji Battle Tank. The main difference between this one and the four from AQ40 is that it’s not limited to Ahn’Qiraj.
Vial of the Sands (mount) requires 450 skill to find the Canopic Jar (a common Tol’vir artifact), but you’ll only be able to see the Recipe: Vial of the Sands if you’re an alchemist. The recipe requires 75 Cataclysm Alchemy to learn.
The item transforms you into a Sandstone Drake capable of carrying another ally on your back. Once you’ve learnt the spell, anyone can use the mount on your account.
The Vial of the Sands was hotfixed in Dec 2010, so is no longer BoP. Meaning it can be sold in the AH or made for friends. Mind you, the mats are not cheap. You’re looking at a base cost of 29K (26,100K with the 10% Guild perk) just from vendor-bought items sold by Yasmin in Uldum. The total cost would be 42K+ (including the Guild perk). So expect to pay at least that from the AH. My advice is to farm what you can to save some gold or buy the raw mats as it may be a lot cheaper in the long run.
This gown has never impressed me. I am hoping archaeology in MoP will bring more cool clothes to wear – that would be awesomeness :)
I actually thought this robe was extremely pretty on my night elf mage. I liked the way it looked so much I found some low level matching purple/pink items on the ah to match it and used it for one of my transmog sets.
Also, as far as the stats go. At level 51 they were just godly compared to the boa one so I used it until level 58 when the boa one got the outland stat buff.