In The War Within there are 88 pets to collect as we head to Khaz Algar during the first part of the Worldsoul Saga.
Squally comes from the Epic Edition of The War Within expansion. The adorable storm gryphon is added directly to the pet journal when you purchase the most expensive version of the x-pac.
Though this little one’s flight training has yet to be completed, their playfulness and enthusiasm are already fully grown.
Don’t forget to summon Squally for the Gryphons of a Feather quest allowing you to add 3 additional pets to your collection. (see video)
Thundo – A full-sized stormrook’s thunder can be heard for miles. The chirps of this small spark sound like a faulty electrical device.
Gale – A Stormrider’s stormrook can not only navigate extreme winds with grace but can also conjure fierce tempests to defend themselves.
Flash – Emberrooks are the rarest and most aggressive of the rook elementals.
Three pets can be purchased from Remembrancer Amuul in Dalaran during the Radiant Echoes pre-patch event between July 30 – August 26 or the quest NPC in each zone. They are throwbacks to three formidable bosses of the past – Hogger, Stitches, and Onyxia spawning in Dragonblight, Dustwallow Marsh, and Searing Gorge every hour, then more frequently later on. They can be purchased with 10,000 Residual Memories. These pets are not cageable.
Remembered Riverpaw – Champion of the Waterlords, Searing Gorge
Once tenacious and terrible, the riverpaw slaughtered weaker enemies without hesitation.
Remembered Construct – Only Darkness, Dragonblight
Made from the bits and pieces of vanquished abominations, light magic, and just a pinch of nostalgia.
Remembered Spawn – Broken Masquerade, Dustwallow Marsh
The faded memory of an Onyxian whelpling, this young dragon has decided that it wants to follow in its own footsteps.
Residual Memories
- 1,400 – drops from the final boss once all the memories have been defeated – Onyxia, Remembered Firelord, and the Lich King
- 3,000 – warbound daily in each zone
- small amounts from spawned mobs from the event
The warbound daily makes it less tedious for alt-hoppers since you only need to complete the quests on one character per day. The active zone resets when the final boss is defeated so you can keep farming mobs until it switches to another zone. This also means if you missed out on killing the boss the first time, as long as there are still players defeating the residual memories, the zone boss can spawn again.
Discord is offering the Parrlok pet to players who go live and stream World of Warcraft to a friend for at least 15 minutes over Discord! The promotion runs until September 8th, so you should have plenty of time to complete the quest streaming World of Warcraft in a direct message (DM), group chat, or a server of your choice.
Note: There must be at least one other person in the channel and streamed through the Discord app on your computer.
Once you’re on the Discord app, accept the quest, join an active voice channel, select World of Warcraft from the list of games > Share Your Screen > Select the WoW tab to stream World of Warcraft for 15 minutes – you’ll have a progress bar to track how close you are to earning your pet. (see video to see how I did it)
Support a Streamer
World of Warcraft is partnering with Twitch to host Support a Streamer during the launch of World of Warcraft: The War Within! Twitch viewers will be rewarded for gifting 2 subscriptions to participating live streamers. Starting August 26 at 3:00 p.m. PDT until September 26 at 10:00 a.m. PDT, support your favourite, eligible streamer and you can receive the Watcher of the Huntress pet to join you in your adventures in the depths of Azeroth. I was happy to see this event again as I only reached affiliate status four days after it started and couldn’t add myself to the list – not that I knew about it at the time.
Viewers can also earn the Ghastly Charger mount by watching 4 hours of your favourite World of Warcraft Twitch channels when World of Warcraft: The War Within! goes live. This was a TCG reward I don’t remember ever seeing in-game.
Trolli Gummies
Like Gummies? Well… There’s a pet involved. Sure! It might be only available to those in the USA. What? Either way, it looks like we’ll they’ll be able to add Gummi to their collections by uploading a copy of their Sour Bite Crawlers receipt to the Trolli website between 1st September 2024 and 28th February 2025.
While the promotion is exclusive to the United States, you can still collect one in the EU and OCE regions if someone in America is willing to obtain an extra code for you.
Gummi baubleworms have an abundance of natural predators as they are known for their rubbery texture and sweet flavors.
The adorable Lil’ Flameo pet comes from purchasing the Limited Edition Aerox 9 Wireless: World of Warcraft Edition mouse costing US$169.99. In this day and age, this is a ridiculous amount for pet collectors. I hope to see this added to the Trading Post or through other means.
Lil’ Flameo is ready to drop foolish pets if they get in the way.
- Lil’ Bonechewer – complete the three storylines below in Rak-Ush and the Wormlands for the Worm Theory achievement.
Lil’ Bonechewer loves you, even if you were a worm. Especially if you were a worm.
- Purple Stagshell – A Champion’s Tour: The War Within requires the completion of eight World PvP World Quests in the War Within 5 times. This pet is cageable. See Lazey’s comment for more info.
Stagshells crave violence. Or at least simulated representations of violence.
- Waxwick – Catch every battle pet on Khaz Algar for the Khaz Algar Safari achievement.
In a miracle of dreams and wishes, Waxwick awoke and climbed off a kobold’s head to pursue her own path.
Mister Muskoxeles – Collect 1800 unique pets for Good Things Come In Small Packages.
Truly, the most dignified of stinky musken.
The next time you’re sitting in the dark and feel something brush against your heel, don’t worry! It’s just Fuzzy.
We can finally earn Court Is Now In Session and the title “Knight of Feathersworth” once you’ve collected Lord Basilton, Mister Toots, Princess Vorquistrasza, Lady Feathersworth & Mister Muskoxeles.
Isle of Dorn
Dalaran Sewer Turtle – Turtle’s Thanks in Dornogal (see video) This one requires level 71 to see the NPCs.
More than a typical turtle, he’s a hero in a half shell!
Faithful Dog – This time we have to save Dog from the destruction of Dalaran. He can’t battle but that’s not surprising. (see video)
No longer lost or lonely, your faithful companion has decided that by your side is the best place to be.
Lil’ Moss Rosy – Mosswool Flower, Isle of Dorn (see video)
Counting sheep to a dream of springtime.
Sapphire Crab – Magical Treasure Chest (see video)
These crabs build their own shells from small fragments of rocks and gems.
The Ringing Deeps
Oop’lajax – Scary Dark Chest (see video)
He’s a little jumpy… especially around the face.
Blightbud – Dislodged Blockage (see video)
Please keep your blightbud on a leash at all times! They are notorious for the havoc they can wreak on unprotected gardens.
These Hallowfall pets need you to activate certain Lesser Keyflames before buying a specific item from the NPCs.
Hallowed Glowfly – Hallowfall Sparkfly (see video)
This hallowed firefly’s glow scours the darkness, a welcome omen for the Arathi living in Hallowfall.
Nightfarm Growthling – Nightfarm Growthling (see video)
These highly destructive pests are known to destroy crops in Hallowfall.
Shadowbog Hopper – Stillstone Pond in Hallowfall (see video)
Restoring hope to those lost in the darkness comes with its just rewards. Like cute frog friends.
Mind Slurp – Memory Cache (see video)
One shudders to imagine whether the name was based off of what it is… or what it does.
Pillarnest Bonedrinker – Nest Egg (see video)
Is it possible to drink bones? Not without a positive mental attitude it’s not!
Spinner – Trapped Trove, City of Threads (see video)
She’ll try spinning, that’s a good trick.
Delves and Dungeons
Bop – Goldie Baronbottom in the Cinderbrew Meadery (5-man dungeon)
Woah there pardner. Were really about to buzz by without saying howdy?
Bouncer – Nerubian Delve’s Heavy Trunk (Earthcrawl Mines, The Dread Pit, Skittering Breach, The Spiral Weave and The Underkeep)
Awww, aren’t it’s fuzzy little pedipalps cute?
Chester – Delve’s Bountiful Coffer and Hidden Trove
Part lean, mean candle-throwing machine. Part adventurer wannabe. All kobold. Alwaise raring to test his mettle against new opponents.
Sneef – Kobold Delve’s Heavy Trunk (Kriegval’s Rest and The Waterworks)
She’s got a schnoz for sniffin’!
Violet Sporbit – Fungarian Delve’s Heavy Trunk (Fungal Folly and Mycomancer Cavern)
Dangerous, toxic spores? What if it was purple?!
Wriggle – Kobyss Delve’s Heavy Trunk (The Sinkhole and Tak-Rethan)
The wily fish has never been caught at the end of an angler’s hook. He was caught a completely different way.
Cinderworld Sizzlestinger is rewarded from the Home Is Where the Candle Is quest in The Ringing Deeps which is the last quest in the Kobold Culture and Integration storyline. (see video)
Fathom Incher is rewarded from Return to the Sea in Hallowfall. It starts with the pickup quest Gasping Plea around the Sunless Strand.
In the depths of the Endless Sea, strange thalassic horrors lurk. Not this fella, though. He’s completely normal.
Thunder is rewarded from the Tale of Tails quest in Hallowfall. (see video)
Someday, his heavy footfalls and ferocious roar will match his name. Until then, Thunder remains a bolt of cuteness and loyalty.
Requires the bonus objective in the Torchlight Mine area after assisting the Lamplighter by collecting Radiant Remnant for the Keyflames. Pick up the quests from Attica Whiskervale when she spawns including Glow in the Dark.
Vanilla is rewarded from the Lost in the Darkness storyline. It starts from Aliya Hillhelm (61, 30) at Hallowfall’s Hillhelm Stead family farm with the first quest Seeds of Evil. (see video)
This treasured lynx is a firm supporter of no changes.
Rak-Ush Battleshell is rewarded from the Permanent Hire quest in Azj-Kahet. It starts with Beautification Project for the Rak-Ush storyline.
Raised as living tanks for Anub’azal’s army, Rak-Ush’s battleshells are surprisingly affectionate. Who’s a good beetle?
Slim is rewarded from the Grand, Gutsy Solutions quest in Azj-Kahet. (see video)
One kobyss’s meal is another adventurer’s bestie.
Writhing Transmutagen – Discovery: Khaz Algar Alchemy [25] requires Thaumaturgy (specialization)
The early worms get the bird.
World Vendors including Erani (58, 64) in Dornogal and Heissanik (Shadowvein Point, Ringing Deeps) sell 5 pets for 50 Polished Pet Charms each.
- Brown Leafbug – When you tell a bad joke, he’ll be there to let you know.
- Skippy – Watch Skippy swim, and then watch him run. The perfect amphibian. Sorry, frogs.
- Venomwing – It’s not the most original anti-hero name. But it promises to be a compelling crossover.
- Starkstripe Hopper – Brightly colored means do not touch. Red is nature’s warning light!
- Sandstone Ramolith – They loves sand. It’s coarse, and it gets everywhere.
Sir Shady Mrrgglton Junior – Sir Finley Mrgglton in Dornogal (47, 43) for 10,000 Undercoins
The shadowy creature has been following Sir Finley Mrgglton around ever since he happened upon it during one of his expeditions. Having grown quite fond of the tenebrous friend, Sir Finley won’t part with it easily.
Loamy – sold by Auditor Balwurz in Dornogal for 6500 Resonance Crystals. Requires Renown 13 with the Council of Dornogal.
The softest and fluffiest protosheep made of the softest and fluffiest soil.
Gnawbles (47, 35) in The Ringing Deeps sells 2 pets for 1 Firelight Ruby each
- Coppers (cannot battle) One hero’s trash is another kobold’s treasure. This unfortunately does not work in reverse.
- Wobbles – Incredibly lifelike, this enchanted wax statue could pass for a real mole. If petting it didn’t cause it to melt, that is.
How to collect a Firelight Ruby
Once you reach Renown Rank 2 with The Assembly of the Deeps, you’ll unlock Snuffling (activate outline mode to make the piles easier to spot) so you can pick up 50x Odd Globs of Wax collected by Middles (47, 35) in Gundargaz, The Ringing Deeps. This fills your personal bar under the Wax Collection window.
Guacamole – sold by Waxmonger Squick in The Ringing Deeps for 6,500 Resonance Crystals. Requires Renown 17 with the Assembly of the Deeps.
This snuffling loves limes.
Tiberius – sold by Auralia Steelstrike in Hallowfall for 6500 Resonance Crystals. Requires Renown 15 with Hallowfall Arathi.
The Imperial Lynx hails from the shore of the far-flung Arathi Empire, where they serve as fierce and loyal companions and mounts for citizens.
Clutchmother Marn’tiq and Tyro Uwe are in The Little Strings building (44, 17) on the NW side of the Umbral Bazaar, City of Threads. They sell 2 pets for 2250 Kej each
- Fringe (limited supply) – Someone once mistook Fringe for an azerite node. He’s too young to remember azerite, though.
- Itchbite (limited supply) – A bug? Wait a minute, no, it’s a small friendly spider!
Bean (limited supply) – It appears on the vendor as a Freshly Webbed Kebab sold by Pelefien (50, 26) in the Umbral Bazaar, City of Threads for 2,250 Kej. You can also purchase this pet from Kurth, Kram’an, Yaggi, or Tyro Uwe.
The toes! The huge toe beans! The huge toe beans are not for eating!
Rak-Ush Threadling – sold by Ves’trak (74, 81) in Rak-Ush, Azj-Kahet for 2,250 Kej after you complete his questline.
Awww, aren’t her pedipalps adorable?
Jump Jump (requires Renown 15) – sold by the Severed Threads Quartermasters – Lady Vinazian (57, 46) and Y’tekhi (55, 41) in The Weaver’s Lair, Azj-Kahet for 2,250 Kej.
I jump, Jon. It’s what I do.
Wild Pets
Khaz Algar Safari requires the capture of 31 battle pets on Khaz Algar. The remaining ones will not be in bold.
Isle of Dorn
Alabaster Stonecharger – Protorams leave behind stony dust as they frolic, battle, and rest.
Bedrock Stonecharger – (Dornogal) Young protorams love to play and bluff charge. They also love to actually charge.
Cinderhoney Emberstinger – THE BEES ARE ON FIRE NOW?
This one was a little tricky to find. It seems to share a spawn with the other pets in the Cinderbrew Meadery area. I found mine around the lamp post at 73, 46 then another straight afterwards in Cinderwold (71, 35) among all the elite slimes and bees and a third sometime later at 72, 46 by the bridge. They were all rare quality and a P/S breed. (see video)
Cobalt Ramolith – The grand horns of these beasts spark jealousy in other horned grazing animals.
Diamond Crab – Exposure to magic, minerals, and water pressure has left this crab looking very sharp. (not part of the Safari achievement) Only saw these in rare and on the backline.
Fragrant Stonelamb – Protosheep spend winters bereft their flowers. When the seasons turn, the plains are filled with a variety of earthy, sweet scents.
The Fragrant Stonelamb comes in 3 skins:
- White w/pink purple flowers, orange eyes (12% rarest)
- Grey w/light pink flowers, yellow eyes (50%)
- Blue w/peach blue flower, blue eyes (37%)
Granite Ramolith – Earthen ranchers keep a variety of horned beasts for labor and company. None are so proud as the ramolith.
Mossy Snail – Imagine being so slow moving that moss grows on your back. Couldn’t be me.
Sandstone Mosswool – (Dornogal) These lambs savor a journey to the beaches of Khaz Algar to rest in warm sands.
Shale Mosswool – Expert Earthen florists are capable of arranging beautiful floral patterns upon the backs of protosheep.
The Ringing Deeps
Mikah – He doesn’t want you to know this, but Mikah’s favorite food is broccoli. (not part of the Safari achievement)
Snuffling – Even hard sediment poses little challenge to the digging claws of these critters.
Snuffling comes in 2 skins although they are fairly similar. One is more like a warm brown while the other is cool. I found two around 69, 49.
- black (83%)
- brown (16%)
Abyssal Lurker – A warlock won this little guy at an infernal carnival, but it quickly outgrew its aquarium. (not part of the Safari achievement)
Arathi Chicken – These silkie chickens were taken aboard airships by those departing the Arathi Empire in pursuit of their emperor’s prophetic vision.
Greenlands Chicken – Free-range chickens are difficult to take care of in Hallowfall, what with all the shadow monsters and fish people.
Umbral Amalgam – These swarms of void energy cannot persist in Beledar’s light.
They spawn during the random (unscheduled) Void Phases which last 10-25mins. They can also appear as secondary pets making it slightly easier to capture one during one of these phases. Any remaining spawns will despawn if you move out of range once the sporadic phase ends. For more info, watch the video.
Aubergine Scootlefish – Not a squid, nor a kid, the scootlefish prefers to keep its ink to itself except under dire circumstances.
Verdant Scootlefish – Cute at this size, the humble scootlefish poses a real threat to ships when it grows larger.
Vile Bloodtick – Sweet is the black blood. It tastes of wars past, and wars to come.
Found as a frontline pet at ~49, 64.
Undermoth – Undermoths are known to be some of the most intelligent moths on Azeroth. This is not saying much. (not part of the Safari achievement)
This was the last one I needed and was the hardest to locate so I can see why they didn’t include it for the Safari achievement. It seems to only appear as a secondary pet and finally appeared in the Silken Ward (61, 52) in rare quality. Good luck.
You need the Unseeming Shift buff to see the following two. Click on the Extractor Storage located by other clickable items in the Maddening Deep area.
- Shadowy Oozeling – The perfect pet if you love stepping on something wet in the middle of the night.
- Voidling Ooze – If you hold this up to your ear, you can hear whispers of the Old Gods. Just like a seashell!
Multiple Zones
Arachnoid Hatchling – Azj-Kahet, City of Threads, Hallowfall, Shadowvein Extraction Site, The Ringing Deeps
Many arachnids are left to fend for themselves after hatching. It’s a common topic in spider therapy.
Azure Flickerfly – Azj-Kahet, City of Threads, Hallowfall, Shadowvein Extraction Site, The Ringing Deeps
The flickering of these lightbugs is said to bring an unnatural and eerie calm to travelers and predators alike.
Chitin Burrower – Azj-Kahet, City of Threads, Hallowfall, Shadowvein Extraction Site, The Ringing Deeps
Tough burrowing claws make it easy for arachnids to get around subterranean areas. But it’s a boring life.
Common Ploughworm – Azj-Kahet, City of Threads, Hallowfall, Shadowvein Extraction Site, The Ringing Deeps
Used both in battle and as pack animals when they’re larger, at this size they’re only a danger to your ankles.
Ebon Ploughworm – Azj-Kahet, City of Threads, Hallowfall, Shadowvein Extraction Site, The Ringing Deeps
Hard to spot in the dark, these worms have taught many adventureres a lesson, when sticking their fingers where they don’t belong.
Fallowspark Glowfly – Dornogal, Hallowfall, Isle of Dorn, The Ringing Deeps
The green glow of this firefly is seen as an ill-omen for those who travel in darkness.
Ghostcap Menace – Hallowfall, Isle of Dorn, The Ringing Deeps
The alluring twin mushroom cap colors of these fungal creatures attracts sentient and beastial victims alike.
The Ghostcap Menace comes in 2 skins:
- Dark green w/single orange cap (83%)
- Dark green w/tiered orange caps (16%)
Magmashell Crawler – Dornogal, The Ringing Deepsmeek
Not to be kept indoors if you live in a wooden house.
Meek Bloodlasher – Hallowfall, Isle of Dorn, The Ringing Deeps
Fungal lashers are typically violent and carnivorous. This diminuative variety is better suited to shyly flail its limbs against fellow small fry.
The Meek Bloodlasher comes in 2 skins:
- Beige w/single red cap (83%)
- Beige w/tiered red caps (16% pictured)
Pinkskin Burrower – Azj-Kahet, The Ringing Deeps (not part of the Safari achievement)
So wrinkly!! So scrunchy!!
Skittish Sniffler – Azj-Kahet, The Ringing Deeps (not part of the Safari achievement)
Capable of sensing vibrations and tremors nearly a mile away, these young moles tend to burrow at the first sign of mortal danger.
The Skittish Sniffler comes in 3 skins:
- yellow coat (90%)
- grey coat (9%)
- white coat (rarest at 0.9% )

most common to rare
They tend to share a spawn with the Pinkskin Burrower and other battle pets but I’ve only seen it as a primary pet. I found several around The Rumbling Wastes (~57, 44) and the lift to the Isle of Dorn. You may need to demolish any non-combat versions so a combatable one eventually spawns. If you’re having trouble telling if the one you’ve spotted the rarest white skin, look at the portraits above to see which one you have. Thx to @WayneGWoods for the idea and @perksnpeeves’ portraits image above.

rarest variant of the Skittish Sniffler with white coat and whiskers
Note: If the pet has Stone Rush as the third ability, reset the fight because there’s a good chance it will kill itself off before you can trap it successfully.
Subterranean Dartswog – Azj-Kahet, City of Threads, Hallowfall, Isle of Dorn, The Ringing Deeps
Found predominately underground, some of them prefer the surface. But that’s none of my business.
Troglofrog – Azj-Kahet, City of Threads, Deepforge Golemworks, Hallowfall, Isle of Dorn, The Ringing Deeps
The sound of the troglofrog echoing throughout deep caverns sounds almost like… ragtime music?
Vibrant Glowfly – Azj-Kahet, City of Threads, Hallowfall, Isle of Dorn, Shadowvein Extraction Site, The Ringing Deeps
Though their light is sometimes mistaken for the glow of toxic substances or dark magic, nerubians and Arathi alike find these insects hauntingly beautiful.
Winged Arachnoid – Azj-Kahet, Hallowfall
It’s a bird! It’s a gyrocopter! No wait, it’s something way worse. Run.
Are there any pictures of the tiered-cap mushroom pets? I can’t quite be sure if I need to keep hunting them or not. Also, would you believe both of my Fragrant Stonelambs have blue eyes?! They’re good breeds, too! I’m going to have to keep hunting and probably dump one of them. :(
Really? Nice! I just added one under the Meek Bloodlasher above.